Join Dr. Brown in raising money for recovering Breast Cancer Patients through his partnership fundraiser with Barbells for Boobs
a non-profit serving women impacted by breast cancer with a passion for physical activity.
We believe in the profound effects of movement and activity, especially post-diagnosis and recovery.
Learn More About Barbells for Boobs Below
As a dedicated organization, Barbells for Boobs meets the needs of women impacted by breast cancer by assembling a comprehensive support program focused on mind, body, and soul well-being.
Their RAD Program includes physical activity, support and education. With these resources, you can fuel your body to keep up with the high demands of cancer treatment. The program itself involves a lot of community support, daily exercise regimens, professional coaching, accountability and results, virtual classes, yoga and more.
By supporting Dr. Brown’s campaign, you’re helping us support a woman in need during her recovery, and for that we thank you.
As a dedicated organization, Barbells for Boobs meets the needs of women impacted by breast cancer by assembling a comprehensive support program focused on mind, body, and soul well-being.
Their RAD Program includes physical activity, support and education. With these resources, you can fuel your body to keep up with the high demands of cancer treatment. The program itself involves a lot of community support, daily exercise regimens, professional coaching, accountability and results, virtual classes, yoga and more.
By supporting Dr. Brown’s campaign, you’re helping us support a woman in need during her recovery, and for that we thank you.
Dr. Brown’s Commitment
As a plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, Dr. Brown performs a lot of breast reconstruction surgery following breast cancer treatment. It’s one of the more gratifying surgeries because he knows he’s giving back power and confidence to someone who’s been through so much. But he wants to do more for those suffering from breast cancer in Arizona and bring awareness to the importance of early breast cancer detection.
Please join him in his pursuit to bring more support, education, community and well-being to those women in need post-diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Brown’s Commitment
As a plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, Dr. Brown performs a lot of breast reconstruction surgery following breast cancer treatment. It’s one of the more gratifying surgeries because he knows he’s giving back power and confidence to someone who’s been through so much. But he wants to do more for those suffering from breast cancer in Arizona and bring awareness to the importance of early breast cancer detection.
Please join him in his pursuit to bring more support, education, community and well-being to those women in need post-diagnosis and treatment.
How You Can Support
Donations are really simple and you can click on the link below.
How You Can Support
Donations are really simple and you can click on the link below.