Dermabrasion treats wrinkles and skin blemishes (acne scars) by carefully removing the outer layers of the skin using a hand-held tool.

Is the procedure performed in the office? – Dr. Brown sometimes performs

How painful is dermabrasion? – Dr. Brown will numb the area with a local anesthetic injection, which will prevent you from feeling the dermabrasion procedure, however, if it is performed in the operating room you will be asleep and won’t feel any discomfort.


How long does it take to work and how long does it last? – While you will see the immediate effects of the dermabrasion, it takes approximately 2 weeks for the outer layers of the skin to peel completely and the redness to fade. The results can last for many years if you are careful to stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen, use a good skin moisturizer, and avoid smoking.

Will I need to take medication before the procedure? – Yes, you will be prescribed and antibiotic and an antiviral medication two days prior to the procedure. You will be expected to continue taking the medications after the procedure for about one week. These medications are used to protect you from infections.


Will I look like a different person? – Dermabrasion procedures will not change your physical appearance but will give your skin a more youthful and healthy appearance.

What do I have to do after the dermabrasion? – It is important to keep your face clean after a chemical peel by washing it with a gentle cleanser. When the skin is clean and dry, you will need to apply moisturizers, which Dr. Brown will recommend. It is very important to avoid direct sun exposure to the face for several weeks following the peel.

What if I have a problem? When should I call the office? – We always welcome calls from patients. If you have any concerns at any time, please feel free to contact our office. If it is an emergency, the answering service is available 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays.