Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

by | Feb 5, 2014

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?A tummy tuck can provide a slimmer, toner look to your abdominal area by ridding your body of excess fat and skin in that area. The best way to determine if a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is right for you is to meet with Dr. Richard Brown and discuss your body goals and what results you can expect from the procedure.

You are likely a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you are:

  • Near your ideal weight
  • In good general health
  • Tired of dealing with sagging skin around your abdomen
  • Frustrated with excess fat on your abdomen

Tummy tucks are often part of a mommy makeover for our patients who want to reclaim their bodies after becoming a mother.

If you are ready to see if a tummy tuck is the right plastic surgery procedure to help you achieve your body goals, please call ​480-568-3804 or contact Dr. Richard Brown today to schedule your consultation with an experienced abdominoplasty surgeon in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area.