How Much Botox Can I Get?

by | Sep 25, 2015

How Much Botox Can I Get?BOTOX® treatments can be a wonderful way soften your facial features and restore a more youthful appearance. This is an increasingly popular treatment that leaves patients thrilled with their results.

Related: 7 Ways Botox Can Improve Your Life

Patients who are considering having a BOTOX® treatment often ask Dr. Richard J. Brown, “How much Botox can I get?” The short answer is, it depends. Read on for more.

What is BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is a naturally occurring neurotoxin that is injected into the muscles of the area being treated. This toxin temporarily blocks the nerve signals to your muscles, causing them to relax, which creates the appearance of fewer wrinkles.

How much is a dose of BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is measured in units, which corresponds to the number of molecules being injected. Because every patient’s face is different the dosage required depends on the person. Dr. Brown suggests that his patients start with the lowest recommended dosage for their first treatment so that the results can be observed and monitored. The dosage may be increased as needed for subsequent treatments.

How often can I have a treatment?

Dr. Richard J. Brown recommends that his patients have a treatment every three to four months. Patients who have treatments regularly every 3-4 months eventually will have longer lasting results for up to 6 months.

Related: Am I a Good Candidate for Botox?

For more information about BOTOX® treatments or to schedule an initial consultation, give Dr. Richard J. Brown a call at ​480-568-3804.