To Lift or Not to Lift?

by | Mar 4, 2013

To Lift or Not to Lift?

Figuring out whether to have a breast lift or not is a big decision. Maybe you have decided that you are ready for that breast augmentation you’ve been thinking about for years. So you visit a few plastic surgeons, excited about the possibility of full, high, pre-pregnancy breasts and you hear the words, “You’re going to need a lift.” Whoa! Where did that come from?


I guess the first question to ask is what is the result you are looking for? Is it bigger breasts, fuller breasts, or all of those things with more upper pole volume? If it is, then you’re probably looking at a breast augmentation. But if you have moderate to severe drooping, your nipples are facing downward, or your areolas are too large and need to be modified, then you are probably going to need a breast lift. Only a board certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery can determine what would give the optimal result.


Trust your doctor. You know the one that YOU picked? The one with all the credentials and all the “after” pictures that showed you your dream chest? Listen to your doctor. Your doctor has listened to you and what you want to look like after surgery. He or she has enough experience and knows what will achieve the goals you seek. If what you’ve envisioned in your mind requires a lift, then you will very likely be unhappy with anything less.