What Are My Breast Reconstruction Options?

by | Oct 25, 2013

What Are My Breast Reconstruction Options?Women whose breast cancer treatment includes a mastectomy or lumpectomy understand that such procedures take away far more than tissue. If you live in or near Scottsdale, experienced breast reconstruction surgeon Dr. Richard J. Brown offers a number of solutions that can help you on your path to recovery.

In many cases, the initial phase of breast reconstruction surgery can take place concurrently with the mastectomy or lumpectomy. When this is possible, Dr. Brown will coordinate with you and your surgical care team to choose the most suitable reconstructive options.

In most cases, Dr. Brown can minimize scarring by using the same incisions made by your surgical oncologist at the time of the mastectomy. In implant-based reconstruction, a saline or silicone based implant will be used to rebuild the shape of your breast. Sometimes, an expander will be employed to gradually stretch the skin over a period of weeks before the implant is placed.

For women who prefer that their own tissue be used instead of an implant, skin and muscle may be borrowed from the back, or they may be taken from the lower abdominal tissue that would normally be discarded in a tummy tuck. You will discuss all of your options with Dr. Brown to determine the best choice for you.

Choosing breast reconstructive surgery is an emotional decision. We can help you every step of the way. Please contact Dr. Richard Brown today at ​480-568-3804 for a consultation in one of our conveniently located offices in and near Scottsdale.