How Much Does an Arm Lift Cost?

by | Feb 11, 2020 | 0 comments

As you age, you may notice unwanted sagging or excessive skin in your arm area. Since it can be difficult to achieve slimmer arms with diet and exercise alone, I offer arm lift surgery, also known as Brachioplasty, at Brown Plastic Surgery. Through arm lift surgery, I can improve loose skin and reduce unwanted fat pockets in the arms. If you’re intrigued by this procedure, you may be asking yourself how much an arm lift costs. Let’s explore the answer to this question.

*Individual results may vary*


The average cost of an arm lift is $4,257, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Since arm lift surgery is cosmetic in nature, your insurance plan won’t cover it. The good news, however, is that my team will be happy to work with you to design a payment plan. 

To determine an accurate price for your unique procedure, I encourage you to schedule a consultation at Brown Plastic Surgery. Once I evaluate your arms, I can design an individualized treatment plan and provide you with a quote. 



After I administer general anesthesia, I make an incision from the elbow to the upper arm. I’ll trim away loose skin and pull any underlying tissue tight. In some cases, I may perform liposuction to decrease the fat deposits to slim the upper arm. Typically I use liposuction if skin tightening alone won’t achieve our goals. Brachioplasty usually takes about 2 hours and generally takes about 2 weeks of recovery.


Aging, genetics, and weight loss can all lead to sagging skin in the arms. If you have been unable to achieve toned arms through diet and exercise, an arm lift can help. I typically recommend arm lifts to patients with loose arm skin that won’t disappear with healthy lifestyle habits and appears after losing a significant amount of weight. Patients with sagging skin that creates anxiety when wearing sleeveless shirts may also benefit from arm lift surgery.

“Having a breast augmentation was something I always wanted but was nervous to actually make the commitment. However, during my consultation with Dr. Brown, I was pleasantly surprised at how nice and attentive him and his staff were. Furthermore, I was amazed at Dr. Brown’s intelligence, experience, and passion for his work. I actually was concerned about a blood clotting disorder I have and was relieved to know that he knew, and was willing to take, all precautions necessary before, during, and after the surgery. Furthermore, my consultation and pre-op appointments were actually fun but informative and I really enjoyed the experience.” *

RR, Happy Patient


If you’re wondering if you’re a good candidate for an arm lift or how much it may cost you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brown of Brown Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, Arizona​ today. You can count on him to help you make an informed decision. Call us at +1 480-947-2455 or fill out our convenient online contact form