Dr. Brown Offers Male Gynecomastia Patients Outstanding Treatment

by | Sep 16, 2014

Dr. Brown Offers Male Gynecomastia Patients Outstanding Treatment

Gynecomastia can be more than just a physical condition. As a plastic surgeon in Scottsdale and Sun City, Dr. Brown has seen patients who find it takes an emotional toll as well. That’s why he wants to offer the best treatment for gynecomastia possible.

Related: Plastic Surgery for Men

Here are the characteristics of gynecomastia:

  • Enlarged nipple(s)
  • Pronounced breast(s)
  • Excess skin

Related: How Men Can Benefit from Liposuction

And here are the treatment options for gynecomastia:

  • Ultrasonic liposuction – Can remove a slight enlargement of breast tissue.
  • Gynecomastia surgery – Will remove excess skin and underlying breast tissue.

The treatment of gynecomastia is considered an aesthetic procedure. Dr. Brown will sit down with you during your consultation to discuss which procedure he recommends based on your individual situation. He will also make sure that all payment options are discussed to make this treatment possible for you.

We want you to feel like you’re the best version of you. Sitting down for a consultation with Dr. Brown will give you the confidence to consider plastic surgery as a treatment for gynecomastia to give you the chest you’ve always wanted.

To schedule a consultation at Dr. Brown’s plastic surgery office in Scottsdale or Sun City, call ​480-568-3804.