Saline vs. Silicone: Which Breast Implant is Best?
If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, you may be wondering about the difference between saline and silicone implants. While saline implants are a good option for some patients, others are better off with silicone implants. Keep reading to learn about these two types of implants.
fusion_global=”7410″]6 year old female who I consulted with in my Scottsdale and Sun City office to discuss immediate bilateral tissue expander reconstruction. She desired breasts as large as possible. I exchanged her tissue expanders for Mentor High Profile Smooth Round 800cc Silicone Implants. She is seen here prior to having nipple reconstruction.×224.png fusion_global=”7410″]6 year old female who I consulted with in my Scottsdale and Sun City office to discuss immediate bilateral tissue expander reconstruction. She desired breasts as large as possible. I exchanged her tissue expanders for Mentor High Profile Smooth Round 800cc Silicone Implants. She is seen here prior to having nipple reconstruction.View More Patient Results fusion_global=”7410″]6 year old female who I consulted with in my Scottsdale and Sun City office to discuss immediate bilateral tissue expander reconstruction. She desired breasts as large as possible. I exchanged her tissue expanders for Mentor High Profile Smooth Round 800cc Silicone Implants. She is seen here prior to having nipple reconstruction.fusion_global=”7410″]6 year old female who I consulted with in my Scottsdale and Sun City office to discuss immediate bilateral tissue expander reconstruction. She desired breasts as large as possible. I exchanged her tissue expanders for Mentor High Profile Smooth Round 800cc Silicone Implants. She is seen here prior to having nipple reconstruction.
Saline Implants
Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water but have a silicone shell. Dr. Brown inserts them empty and fills them once they are in place. Since saline implants are filled after they’ve been placed into the breast pocket, they can be inserted through a smaller incision.
Saline implants also offer peace of mind because if they do happen to rupture, the sterile salt water is simply absorbed into your body and the implant can then be replaced. In addition, they are more affordable than silicone implants, making them a better choice if you’re concerned about the cost of breast augmentation surgery.
The drawback of saline implants, however, is that they are slightly firmer and heavier than silicone implants. They are also more susceptible to wrinkling, especially if you’re a thinner patient with minimal natural breast tissue to cover the implant.
Lastly, you must be 18 years of age or older to receive saline implants.
Breast Implant Consultations Available
Request A Consultationfusion_global=”7410″]6 year old female who I consulted with in my Scottsdale and Sun City office to discuss immediate bilateral tissue expander reconstruction. She desired breasts as large as possible. I exchanged her tissue expanders for Mentor High Profile Smooth Round 800cc Silicone Implants. She is seen here prior to having nipple reconstruction.
Silicone Implants
Silicone implants are pre-filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel. Silicone implants can offer you a more natural feel and appearance if you choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery especially if you have thin skin and not a lot of breast tissue. If there is a suspected rupture of a silicone implant the primary test is an MRI for confirmation of rupture. In the event silicone implants ruptured they can be removed with not problem and replaced with new implants since they are warrantied for life.
The most prominent disadvantage of silicone implants are their cost. They vary in price with respect to how much more, but in general $800-$1,000 dollars. One other disadvantage is that if there is a rupture it may not be known for a long time because silicone gels are so highly cohesive that they do not freely leak out of the shell. This could also be seen as an advantage as well.
To have silicone implants placed, you must be 22 years of age or older set by the FDA. You may still have them under the age of 22, but have to sign a release form that it is considered off label use.
fusion_global=”7410″]6 year old female who I consulted with in my Scottsdale and Sun City office to discuss immediate bilateral tissue expander reconstruction. She desired breasts as large as possible. I exchanged her tissue expanders for Mentor High Profile Smooth Round 800cc Silicone Implants. She is seen here prior to having nipple reconstruction.
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Take the Next Step
If you’re wondering what type of implants would be ideal for you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brown of Brown Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, Arizona today. He can further explain the pros and cons of saline and silicone implants and help you make an informed decision. Call us at 480-568-3804 or fill out our convenient online contact form.