by Richard Brown MD | Dec 29, 2015 | BOTOX, Injectable Fillers, Injectables
3 Common Misconceptions About BOTOXBOTOX treatment is the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure available. By injecting minute doses of botulinum toxin into certain muscles, the treatment can smooth out wrinkles, help prevent the creation of new wrinkles...
by Richard Brown MD | Sep 25, 2015 | BOTOX, Injectables
How Much Botox Can I Get?BOTOX® treatments can be a wonderful way soften your facial features and restore a more youthful appearance. This is an increasingly popular treatment that leaves patients thrilled with their results. Related: 7 Ways Botox Can Improve Your...
by Richard Brown MD | May 22, 2015 | BOTOX, Cosmetic Surgeon, Plastic Surgery
Does Botox Hurt? One of the most common questions people ask about the Botox treatments we offer here at Dr. Richard J. Brown’s office is whether or not Botox injections hurt and if so, how much. We understand why this may be a concern. For some people, if the pain is...