The Myths and Truths of Liposuction You May Not Know

by | Sep 5, 2014

The Myths and Truths of Liposuction You May Not Know

There are many misconceptions about liposuction that Dr. Richard Brown runs into during consultations with patients. He addresses a lot of these questions on his YouTube channel.

When it comes to liposuction, there are a few questions in particular that Dr. Brown hears most often, but the most important thing you can do is schedule a consultation with Dr. Brown and get all of the information you need to feel comfortable before your liposuction surgery in Scottsdale or Sun City.

Related: Get Informed During Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

Liposuction Myth: You Won’t Gain Weight After Liposuction

This myth needs to be dissected a bit and can actually be a bit of a myth and a truth. It is true that the specific fat cells that are removed during liposuction will not return. But if the patient does not maintain a healthy lifestyle following surgery, weight can be gained, negating the results of the liposuction procedure. In order to have long-lasting results, it takes a commitment to not gaining the weight back.

Liposuction Truth: Liposuction is a Surgical Procedure and Should Be Treated as Such

As with any plastic surgery, you will have rules to follow after the procedure. It is a  liposuction myth that liposuction is not an actual surgery. All of the same rules apply to liposuction including diet restrictions and wearing a compression garment after the surgery.

Related: Rules to Follow After a Plastic Surgery Procedure

Liposuction Myth: Liposuction is for Patients Who Want to Lose Weight

While it’s inevitable that fat is removed during the procedure, it is a liposuction myth that it can be used as a weight loss alternative. Consider liposuction as a body sculpting procedure. It can make minor changes to the shape of your body, but should not be considered until you are close to your ultimate weight goal. Then liposuction can help you eliminate the fat from your problem areas.

For more information on liposuction or other cosmetic procedures in Scottsdale and Sun City, please call ​480-568-3804.