Why We Started #ReleaseYourInnerBeauty

Why We Started #ReleaseYourInnerBeauty

WHY WE STARTED #RELEASEYOURINNERBEAUTY Everybody is beautiful. That’s something we believe down to the core of our beings here at the offices of Scottsdale board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard J. Brown. Each day we have the pleasure of working with patients who...

Don’t Let the Fear of Pain Keep You From Exploring Plastic Surgery

Don’t Let the Fear of Pain Keep You From Exploring Plastic Surgery The fear of pain and recovery can be the biggest deterrent from plastic surgery. Reality television shows that highlight the negative sides of cosmetic surgery can turn someone off to the idea....

Smoking and Plastic Surgery: A Bad Mix

Smoking and Plastic Surgery: A Bad Mix It’s no surprise that smoking has harmful effects on the human body. Smoking and plastic surgery is another story. Some surgeons will refuse to operate on adults who have been smoking during the period of time leading up to their...

3 Important Rules to Follow After Plastic Surgery

3 Important Rules to Follow After Plastic SurgeryEach surgery that Dr. Richard Brown performs has its own set of rules for postoperative care. However, there are 3 important rules to follow after plastic surgery that apply to each and every type of procedure Dr. Brown...